Warning -- Scam Alert


Several parishioners, employees, and pastoral ministers of the parish have reported receiving emails from Fr. Forlano requesting that they "attend to something discreetly" for him and respond promptly to his email. The email does not originate from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Fr. Forlano will only email you from his parish email. Please ignore any emails or texts that do not originate from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please be suspicious of any emails (or texts) purporting to come from Fr. Forlano asking for any favors or any help in this way. This is a common scam. The scammer picks up emails of parish staff or ministers that are published in the parish bulletin or website, generates a fake email or phone number, and pretends to be Fr. Forlano. They can set up the email to be from “Rev. Philip M. Forlano” but if you look at the actual email address, it is not his email. Fr. Forlano or any other parish staff member will never make such requests. Please do not respond to such requests and block the contact. Please report such attempts at fraud immediately to the parish office and to the police.